
OB Architecture in the Top 25 UK: Archello

OB Architecture featured as one of the “25 Best Architecture Firms in the UK”.

We are honoured to be named by Archello to be amongst the 25 Best UK architectural practices alongside the likes of Make Architects, Squire and Partners, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Hawkins\Brown and others. Our founding director, Oliver Bray, had this to say on the article: “It’s fantastic to be recognised by Archello today as one of the top 25 architecture firms in the UK. As the Practice grows abroad with projects across France, the US and the Caribbean, we continue to apply the same rigour, creativity and enthusiasm to everything we do. It is credit to our great team that we have been recognised for our award-winning work and we’re looking forward to developing some really exciting schemes in 2023!” You can read all about the list on Archello here.
